
Visual scribing films

December 31, 2020 2:30 pm Published by

sh.creative works on and has produced a wide range of explainer films. Visual scribing is one type of explainer technique. It’s a fast, fun and engaging type of explainer film – where you can:

  • Explainer and ‘HOW TO’ films
  • Support a pitch
  • Deliver a more engaging presentation
  • Launch a kickstarter project
  • Internal and external marketing campaigns
  • Add to social marketing ideas and campaigns

Looking to create some explainer films?

We would be really keen to discuss your ideas. Visual scribe explainers are drawn in real time, captured, animated or edited and can do pretty much anything you like. There are few or no boundaries, other than the edge of the paper.

Looking for some more examples of our work? 



Simon Haynes – film production

October 12, 2020 4:20 pm Published by

This is a cut down two minute film/portfolio of some recent work that I think shows a wide variety of my work.

The reel covers:

Examples of how we work with narrative structure
The reel starts with an Oxford University project which engaged university staff across the globe. From a launch film to more explainer videos, this series of films aimed to engage and help users to access and use an online platform. We worked with Oxford from concept and script development through to filming and creating the website interface.

Next is NexTrust, and this film is a 7 minute report on an electric lorry pilot that launched in 2018 and and finished its trial in early 2019 – I worked with seven key stakeholders both in the UK and Holland to create and deliver this concept.

The National Theatre example is a more graphic based one, using 3D elements in line with the narrative storyboard.

Mixing live film with graphics
Here you will see a few methods where I have mixed graphics with a narrator, with footage and within 3D elements. The clients are 2degrees, Newsquest paper group and Schneider.

3D animated work
I can produce 3D work, I produce after effects 2D projects that look 3D, working with more specialised 3D freelance studios – depending on the concept and brief. Based on bringing product alive, I have included some recent 3D work and CAD/model based work here for you to look at.

2D work
From 3D to 2D, where I demo sites and interfaces. Usually breaking down the original artwork and animating it subtly to make a more fluid journey. Here I have shown the start of a walk through film in conjunction with the above Oxford University project.

2D character animation
Finally, info graphics and animated character films can be a great way of demoing projects and products. This shows one series I made where there were two main characters… the films explained teaching phonics and maths to students at primary level. This was 3 year long production task.

I hope this gives you a flavour of some of the things I could do.
Kind regards

Explainer films

May 20, 2019 8:15 am Published by

sh.creative works on and has produced a wide range of explainer films:

  • Low budget explainers
    Using screen capture software we simply capture and explain a task, share a process or show how to use a web page.
  • Functionality explainers
    We have created website launches, rebuilding websites in vectors to help show how to use the functionality of a site before it has been built.
  • Narrated to camera explainers
    High end green screen narrated productions with motion graphics allow us to show off a little more.
  • Animated and character explainers
    Explainer films can be created with and without narrative. Motion graphics and animation can be the narrative.

Looking to create some explainer films?

We would be really keen to discuss your ideas.

Looking for some more examples of our work?


a 2 min marketing film for KS3 English Secondary using motion graphics and screen capture

Oxford Impact and OWL screen explainer films 

two examples using vector based graphics as a slicker looking alternative to screen capture

HT2Labs learning platform

a series of 1 min films for social marketing and e-marketing using green screen film and motion graphics explainer graphics


we produced 10 x 1 min super low budget explainer brief for Youtube – using a template structure we delivered at 1 hr per film production turn around 

NexTrust – a larger production @ 7 min, this EU explainer film uses a mix of motion graphics, video and explainer graphics



sh.creative working with Faraday

September 24, 2018 8:39 am Published by

This is a cut down two minute film/portfolio of some recent work that I think shows a wide variety of our work.

The reel covers:

Examples of how we work with narrative structure
The reel starts with an Oxford University project which engaged university staff across the globe. From a launch film to more explainer videos, this series of films aimed to engage and help users to access and use an online platform. We worked with Oxford from concept and script development through to filming and creating the website interface.

Next is NexTrust, and this film is a 7 minute report on an electric lorry pilot that launched in 2017 and and finished its trial in early 2018. We are currently filming with NexTrust on a similar project.

The National Theatre example is a more graphic based one, using 3D elements in line with the narrative storyboard.

Mixing live film with graphics
Here you will see a few methods where we have mixed graphics with a narrator, with footage and within 3D elements. The clients are 2degrees, Newsquest paper group and Schneider.

3D animated work
We are a creative film production company. We can produce our own 3D work, however more than often we work with more specialised 3D freelance studios – depending on the concept and brief we will use the freelancers we know will deliver what we are looking for. Based on brining product alive, I have included some recent 3D work and CAD/model based work here for you to look at.

2D work
From 3D to 2D, where we demo sites and interfaces. Usually breaking down the original artwork and animating it subtly to make a more fluid journey. Here I have shown the start of a walk through film in conjunction with the above Oxford University project.

2D character animation
Finally, info graphics and animated character films can be a great way of demoing projects and products. This shows one series we made where there were two main characters… the films explained teaching phonics and maths to students at primary level.

I hope this gives you a flavour of some of the things we could do.
Kind regards

This is a showreel to show our animation and motion graphics

Thinking about simple animations to engage, explain and demo?

April 14, 2018 2:16 pm Published by

SH.CREATIVE is a full service production company. What this means is we deliver fully produced creative ideas through animation, film and video. Usually starting with a blank piece of paper and the brief, we deliver concepts derived from the communication strategy and planning – focussing on the customer.

Animation is one service we offer. There are so many options here, and quite honestly both budget and objectives usually dictate the path we take. From low budget animations that take 1 hr to complete to 14-day bespoke character animations, we work with our clients to manage every stage of a project, no matter how big or small.

What’s great about Animation and Motion Graphics is that if you think it, you can probably do it.

Karra & Simon 3 step animations

January 19, 2018 2:34 pm Published by

Primarily we work with brands and web platforms to communicate and deliver film, video and animated content. Our team can help you to develop, produce and plan your projects, as well as project manage the whole process. We can take the right amount of responsibility away from you – and help you bring your ideas to life.

3 step low budget animation

January 19, 2018 2:28 pm Published by

Primarily we work with brands and web platforms to communicate and deliver film, video and animated content. Our team can help you to develop, produce and plan your projects, as well as project manage the whole process. We can take the right amount of responsibility away from you – and help you bring your ideas to life.

Merry Christmas

December 18, 2017 1:46 pm Published by

Ho Ho Hope you have a good break.
We look forward to working with you in the NEW YEAR!

From Karra and Simon

Merry Christmas

December 4, 2017 4:15 pm Published by

Ho Ho Hope you have a nice and relaxing break.
Look forward to working with you in the new year!

Simon, Adrian and the sh.creative elves


October 16, 2017 10:38 am Published by

From concept to final delivery, sh.creative is a reliable and experienced production company able to offer film production and project management services to deliver projects on schedule and to budget. Please take a look online at our range of services and skills, and the brands that we have worked on over the last 12 years.